Usually in life, learning your place in line is a valuable lesson. My lessons began early on in school. Whenever I was told to stand in line all I would have to do is standstill and the line would find me. No matter where I was – there was nobody shorter than me, so I always knew my place – dead front center. I was ok with that – I actually felt sorry for those who were an “average height” – you know those who were taller than the shorter members and shorter than the taller members of the class. Their place in line was always changing according to the latest growth spurts. Not me – no matter how much I’d spurt – it was never enough to challenge anyone else.

There was a certain security in that for me, I was always in the front.

Whenever we had to form a line, they’d look for me first. I was kind of a “line leader”.

No line could begin without me.

Sometimes there would be a random line design where the shortest person would be in the middle – that required both sides of the line to flank my left and right with a gradual escalation of height to either end.

Again, all that would be required of me was to stand in a “T” position holding my arms out – and I’d have to keep holding them until everyone found their place.

Of course, on rare occasions the line formation began with the tallest first – which meant we would form a line as usual – then – turn around.

These lessons have followed me all my life – even today- no matter where I might be – or for whatever reason – when taking a group shot – I just stand still and the group formation winds its way around me.

Is it just me or have others been trained by the little people in their lives? There’s never a question – where the little people go, and usually a bit of a struggle for everyone else to find their place.

The moral of the story – little people know their place – in a world of getting in line – Be the line leader. Squat if you have to.


Short Girl in a Tall World – Funny Stories